
  1. Absolutely no racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, classism, fatphobia or hate under any circumstances.
  2. No harassment or bullying of any kind.
  3. Cursing is allowed but insults are not. The use of slurs in any situation will not be tolerated.
  4. No stealing and/or grief of other people’s property (both claimed or unclaimed)
  5. No inappropriate or offensive skins, names, or builds.
  6. No talk about religion of any sort or similar, potentially sensitive topics.
  7. If someone asks you to stop doing something, please stop.
  8. Always respect the mods/staff and what they say.
  9. Please refrain from asking for things or favors from the mods/staff. (We have enough on our plate as is, so keep asks like that to a minimum)
  10. No advertising other servers (Minecraft or discord) unless a mod has previously approved of it.

Consequences for Rule Breaking

  1. First violation, player gets a warning.
  2. Second violation, player receives a warning and 24 hour temporary ban.
  3. Third violation, player receives a warning and 3 day temporary ban.
  4. Fourth violation is a permanent ban.